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Text File  |  2014-03-29  |  45KB  |  3,257 lines

  1. #TITLE=Ruby
  2. ; Ruby syntax file written by ES-Computing.
  3. ; This file is required for EditPlus to run correctly.
  5. #DELIMITER=,(){}[]-+*/=~&|<>:;.$@%'"
  6. #QUOTATION1='
  7. #QUOTATION2="
  10. #COMMENTON==begin
  11. #COMMENTOFF==end
  12. #ESCAPE=\
  13. #CASE=y
  14. #PREFIX4=:
  15. #PREFIX5=$
  16. #PREFIX6=@
  17. #HEREDOC=<<EOF
  21. #KEYWORD=Reserved words
  22. BEGIN
  23. END
  24. __ENCODING__
  25. __END__
  26. __FILE__
  27. __LINE__
  28. alias
  29. and
  30. begin
  31. break
  32. case
  33. class
  34. def
  35. defined?
  36. do
  37. else
  38. elsif
  39. end
  40. ensure
  41. false
  42. for
  43. if
  44. in
  45. module
  46. next
  47. nil
  48. not
  49. or
  50. redo
  51. rescue
  52. retry
  53. return
  54. self
  55. super
  56. then
  57. true
  58. undef
  59. unless
  60. until
  61. when
  62. while
  63. yield
  65. #KEYWORD=Classes
  66. ; Core Classes
  67. ARGF
  68. ArgumentError
  69. Array
  70. BasicObject
  71. Bignum
  72. Binding
  73. Class
  74. Comparable
  75. Complex
  76. Continuation
  77. Data
  78. Dir
  79. EOFError
  80. Encoding
  81. Converter
  82. ConverterNotFoundError
  83. InvalidByteSequenceError
  84. UndefinedConversionError
  85. EncodingError
  86. Enumerable
  87. Enumerator
  88. Generator
  89. Yielder
  90. Errno
  91. Exception
  92. FalseClass
  93. Fiber
  94. FiberError
  95. File
  96. Constants
  97. Stat
  98. FileTest
  99. Fixnum
  100. Float
  101. FloatDomainError
  102. GC
  103. Profiler
  104. Hash
  105. IO
  106. WaitReadable
  107. WaitWritable
  108. IOError
  109. IndexError
  110. Integer
  111. Interrupt
  112. Kernel
  113. KeyError
  114. LoadError
  115. LocalJumpError
  116. Marshal
  117. MatchData
  118. Math
  119. DomainError
  120. Method
  121. Module
  122. Mutex
  123. NameError
  124. message
  125. NilClass
  126. NoMemoryError
  127. NoMethodError
  128. NotImplementedError
  129. Numeric
  130. Object
  131. ObjectSpace
  132. Proc
  133. Process
  134. GID
  135. Status
  136. Sys
  137. UID
  138. Random
  139. Range
  140. RangeError
  141. Rational
  142. Regexp
  143. RegexpError
  144. RubyVM
  145. Env
  146. RuntimeError
  147. ScriptError
  148. SecurityError
  149. Signal
  150. SignalException
  151. StandardError
  152. StopIteration
  153. String
  154. Struct
  155. Symbol
  156. SyntaxError
  157. SystemCallError
  158. SystemExit
  159. SystemStackError
  160. Thread
  161. ThreadError
  162. ThreadGroup
  163. Time
  164. TrueClass
  165. TypeError
  166. UnboundMethod
  167. ZeroDivisionError
  168. fatal
  169. ; Rails Classes
  170. AbstractAdapter
  171. AbstractController
  172. AbstractStore
  173. AcceptanceValidator
  174. ActionCachePath
  175. ActionController
  176. ActionDispatch
  177. ActionMailer
  178. ActionMethods
  179. ActionMiddleware
  180. ActionNotFound
  181. ActionView
  182. Actions
  183. ActiveModel
  184. ActiveModelFormBuilder
  185. ActiveModelHelper
  186. ActiveModelInstanceTag
  187. ActiveRecord
  188. ActiveRecordError
  189. ActiveResource
  190. ActiveSupport
  191. AdapterNotFound
  192. AdapterNotSpecified
  193. Aggregations
  194. All
  195. Annotation
  196. AppBuilder
  197. AppGenerator
  198. Application
  199. ApplicationController
  200. ApplicationHelper
  201. Assertions
  202. AssetPaths
  203. AssetTagHelper
  204. AssociatedValidator
  205. AssociationPreload
  206. AssociationTypeMismatch
  207. Associations
  208. AtomBuilder
  209. AtomFeedBuilder
  210. AtomFeedHelper
  211. AttributeAssignmentError
  212. AttributeMethodMatcher
  213. AttributeMethods
  214. Autoload
  215. AutosaveAssociation
  216. Backends
  217. BacktraceCleaner
  218. BadRequest
  219. Base
  220. Base64
  221. Basic
  222. BeforeTypeCast
  223. Behavior
  224. Benchmark
  225. Benchmarkable
  226. Benchmarker
  227. BestStandardsSupport
  228. BigDecimal
  229. BlackList
  230. BlockValidator
  231. Bootstrap
  232. BrowsingTest
  233. BufferedLogger
  234. Builder
  235. Cache
  236. CacheHelper
  237. Caching
  238. Calculations
  239. Callback
  240. CallbackChain
  241. Callbacks
  242. CaptureHelper
  243. Chars
  244. CircularReferenceError
  245. ClassMethods
  246. ClientError
  247. Codepoint
  248. Collection
  249. Collector
  250. Column
  251. Commands
  252. Compatibility
  253. Compilable
  254. CompressedMemCacheStore
  255. Concern
  256. ConditionalGet
  257. ConfigMethods
  258. Configurable
  259. Configuration
  260. ConfigurationError
  261. ConfirmationValidator
  262. Connection
  263. ConnectionAdapters
  264. ConnectionHandler
  265. ConnectionManagement
  266. ConnectionNotEstablished
  267. ConnectionPool
  268. ConnectionTimeoutError
  269. Console
  270. Context
  271. ControllerGenerator
  272. ControllerMethods
  273. ControllerRuntime
  274. Conversion
  275. CookieOverflow
  276. CookieStore
  277. Cookies
  278. CounterCache
  279. CpuTime
  280. CsrfHelper
  281. CustomMethods
  282. DBConsole
  283. DangerousAttributeError
  284. DatabaseLimits
  285. DatabaseStatements
  286. Date
  287. DateHelper
  288. DateTime
  289. DebugHelper
  290. Debugger
  291. Declarative
  292. Dependencies
  293. Deprecated
  294. DeprecatedConstant
  295. DeprecatedErrorMethods
  296. DeprecatedHeaderProxy
  297. DeprecatedHelpers
  298. DeprecatedUrlOptions
  299. Deprecation
  300. DescendantsTracker
  301. Details
  302. Digest
  303. Dirty
  304. Dispatcher
  305. DomAssertions
  306. DoubleRenderError
  307. Duration
  308. DynamicFinderMatch
  309. DynamicScopeMatch
  310. ERB
  311. EachValidator
  312. Encoder
  313. Engine
  314. Entry
  315. Error
  316. Errors
  317. Erubis
  318. Event
  319. ExceptionHandler
  320. ExclusionValidator
  321. Fanout
  322. FileStore
  323. FileSystemResolver
  324. FileUpdateChecker
  325. FilterParameters
  326. FinderMethods
  327. Finisher
  328. FixtureResolver
  329. Fixtures
  330. FixturesFileNotFound
  331. Flash
  332. FlashHash
  333. ForClassicTestUnit
  334. ForMiniTest
  335. ForbiddenAccess
  336. Forking
  337. FormBuilder
  338. FormHelper
  339. FormOptionsHelper
  340. FormTagHelper
  341. Format
  342. FormatValidator
  343. Formats
  344. Fragments
  345. FullSanitizer
  346. GcRuns
  347. GcTime
  348. GeneratedAttribute
  349. GeneratorGenerator
  350. GeneratorMethods
  351. Generators
  352. Gzip
  353. HTML
  354. Handler
  355. Handlers
  356. HasOneThroughAssociation
  357. HashBuilder
  358. HashWithIndifferentAccess
  359. Head
  360. Headers
  361. HelperGenerator
  362. HelperMethods
  363. Helpers
  364. HideActions
  365. Http
  366. HttpAuthentication
  367. HttpHelpers
  368. HttpMock
  369. I18n
  370. ImplicitRender
  371. InclusionValidator
  372. Inflections
  373. Inflector
  374. Info
  375. InfoController
  376. InheritableOptions
  377. Initializable
  378. Initializer
  379. Install
  380. InstanceMethods
  381. InstanceTag
  382. InstanceTagMethods
  383. Instrumentation
  384. Instrumenter
  385. Integration
  386. IntegrationGenerator
  387. IntegrationTest
  388. IntegrationTestGenerator
  389. InvalidForeignKey
  390. InvalidMessage
  391. InvalidNumberError
  392. InvalidRequestError
  393. InvalidSignature
  394. IpSpoofAttackError
  395. IrreversibleMigration
  396. Isolation
  397. JSON
  398. JSONGem
  399. JavaScriptGenerator
  400. JavaScriptHelper
  401. JsonFormat
  402. LayoutConditions
  403. Layouts
  404. LengthValidator
  405. LinkSanitizer
  406. Lint
  407. LocalCache
  408. LocalStore
  409. Locals
  410. Locking
  411. LogSubscriber
  412. LogTailer
  413. Logger
  414. LookupContext
  415. MacroReflection
  416. MailerGenerator
  417. Mapper
  418. MassAssignmentSecurity
  419. MemCacheStore
  420. Memoizable
  421. Memory
  422. MemoryStore
  423. MessageEncryptor
  424. MessageVerifier
  425. Metal
  426. Metrics
  427. Middleware
  428. MiddlewareStack
  429. Migration
  430. MigrationGenerator
  431. MigrationProxy
  432. Mime
  433. MimeNegotiation
  434. MimeResponds
  435. Mimes
  436. MiniTest
  437. MissingAttributeError
  438. MissingSourceFile
  439. MockLogger
  440. ModelGenerator
  441. Multibyte
  442. MultiparameterAssignmentErrors
  443. MysqlAdapter
  444. Name
  445. NamedBase
  446. NamedScope
  447. Naming
  448. NestedAttributes
  449. NonConcattingString
  450. Notifications
  451. NullResolver
  452. NumberHelper
  453. NumericalityValidator
  454. Objects
  455. Observer
  456. ObserverGenerator
  457. Observing
  458. Optimistic
  459. Options
  460. OptionsHash
  461. OrderedOptions
  462. OutputBuffer
  463. Pages
  464. ParameterFilter
  465. Parameters
  466. ParamsParser
  467. PartialRenderer
  468. Partials
  469. Path
  470. PathParent
  471. PathResolver
  472. Paths
  473. Pending
  474. Performance
  475. PerformanceGenerator
  476. PerformanceTest
  477. PerformanceTestGenerator
  478. Performer
  479. PermissionSet
  480. Persistence
  481. Pessimistic
  482. Plugin
  483. PluginGenerator
  484. PolymorphicRoutes
  485. PostgreSQLAdapter
  486. PostgreSQLColumn
  487. PredicateBuilder
  488. PreparedStatementInvalid
  489. PresenceValidator
  490. PrimaryKey
  491. ProcessTime
  492. PrototypeHelper
  493. ProxyTestResult
  494. Query
  495. QueryCache
  496. QueryMethods
  497. Quoting
  498. RJS
  499. Rack
  500. RackDelegation
  501. Rails
  502. RailsEnvironment
  503. Railtie
  504. Railties
  505. RaiseActionExceptions
  506. RawOutputHelper
  507. Read
  508. ReadOnlyRecord
  509. RecordIdentifier
  510. RecordInvalid
  511. RecordNotFound
  512. RecordNotSaved
  513. RecordNotUnique
  514. RecordTagHelper
  515. RecursiveHTTPFetcher
  516. Redirecting
  517. Reference
  518. Reflection
  519. Relation
  520. RemoteError
  521. RemoteIp
  522. RemoteIpGetter
  523. Remove
  524. Renderers
  525. Rendering
  526. Request
  527. RequestForgeryProtection
  528. RequestHelpers
  529. Rescuable
  530. Rescue
  531. Resolver
  532. ResourceConflict
  533. ResourceGenerator
  534. ResourceGone
  535. ResourceHelpers
  536. ResourceNotFound
  537. Resources
  538. Responder
  539. Response
  540. ResponseAssertions
  541. Rollback
  542. Root
  543. RouteSet
  544. Routing
  545. RoutingAssertions
  546. Runner
  547. SQLiteAdapter
  548. SSLError
  549. SafeBuffer
  550. SanitizeHelper
  551. Sanitizer
  552. ScaffoldControllerGenerator
  553. ScaffoldGenerator
  554. Schema
  555. SchemaStatements
  556. Scoping
  557. ScriptRailsLoader
  558. ScriptaculousHelper
  559. SecureRandom
  560. Selector
  561. SelectorAssertions
  562. Serialization
  563. SerializationTypeMismatch
  564. Serializers
  565. Server
  566. ServerError
  567. Session
  568. SessionHash
  569. SessionManagement
  570. SessionMigrationGenerator
  571. SessionStore
  572. Setup
  573. SetupAndTeardown
  574. Severity
  575. Shorthand
  576. ShowExceptions
  577. SimpleFormatter
  578. SourceAnnotationExtractor
  579. SpawnMethods
  580. SqlBypass
  581. StaleObjectError
  582. StatementInvalid
  583. Static
  584. Store
  585. Strategy
  586. Stream
  587. Streaming
  588. StringInquirer
  589. StylesheetsGenerator
  590. Subclasses
  591. Subprocess
  592. Sweeping
  593. SynchronizedMemoryStore
  594. Table
  595. TableDefinition
  596. Tag
  597. TagAssertions
  598. TagHelper
  599. Template
  600. TemplateAssertions
  601. Test
  602. TestCase
  603. TestController
  604. TestFixtures
  605. TestHelper
  606. TestProcess
  607. TestRequest
  608. TestResponse
  609. TestUnit
  610. TestUnitRailtie
  611. Testing
  612. Tests
  613. TextHelper
  614. ThroughAssociationScope
  615. ThrowResult
  616. TimeWithZone
  617. TimeZone
  618. TimeZoneConversion
  619. TimeoutError
  620. Timestamp
  621. Token
  622. TooManyRecords
  623. Transactions
  624. Translation
  625. TranslationHelper
  626. Type
  627. URL
  628. UnauthorizedAccess
  629. Unicode
  630. UnicodeDatabase
  631. UniquenessValidator
  632. Unit
  633. UnknownAction
  634. UnknownAttributeError
  635. Upload
  636. UploadedFile
  637. UrlFor
  638. UrlHelper
  639. UrlRewriter
  640. UrlWriter
  641. Util
  642. Validations
  643. Validator
  644. Variable
  645. Version
  646. ViewPaths
  647. WallTime
  648. WatchStack
  649. WhiteList
  650. WhiteListSanitizer
  651. WrappedDatabaseException
  652. Write
  653. Xml
  654. XmlFormat
  655. XmlMini
  656. XmlMini_LibXMLSAX
  657. XmlMini_NokogiriSAX
  658. Yajl
  659. Yaml
  661. #KEYWORD=Methods
  662. ; Core Methods
  663. Array
  664. Complex
  665. DEBUG
  666. DEBUG=
  667. Float
  668. Integer
  669. Rational
  670. String
  671. __callee__
  672. __id__
  673. __method__
  674. _dump
  675. _id2ref
  676. _load
  677. abort
  678. abort_on_exception
  679. abort_on_exception=
  680. abs
  681. abs2
  682. absolute_path
  683. acos
  684. acosh
  685. add
  686. add_trace_func
  687. alias_method
  688. aliases
  689. alive?
  690. all?
  691. all_symbols
  692. allocate
  693. ancestors
  694. angle
  695. any?
  696. append_features
  697. arg
  698. args
  699. argv
  700. arity
  701. ascii_compatible?
  702. ascii_only?
  703. asciicompat_encoding
  704. asctime
  705. asin
  706. asinh
  707. assoc
  708. at
  709. at_exit
  710. atan
  711. atan2
  712. atanh
  713. atime
  714. attr_accessor
  715. attr_reader
  716. attr_writer
  717. autoclose=
  718. autoclose?
  719. autoload
  720. autoload?
  721. backtrace
  722. basename
  723. begin
  724. between?
  725. bind
  726. binding
  727. binmode
  728. binmode?
  729. binread
  730. blksize
  731. block_given?
  732. blockdev?
  733. blocks
  734. bytes
  735. bytesize
  736. call
  737. callcc
  738. caller
  739. capitalize
  740. capitalize!
  741. captures
  742. casecmp
  743. casefold?
  744. catch
  745. cbrt
  746. ceil
  747. center
  748. change_privilege
  749. chardev?
  750. chars
  751. chdir
  752. chmod
  753. chomp
  754. chomp!
  755. chop
  756. chop!
  757. chown
  758. chr
  759. chroot
  760. chunk
  761. class
  762. class_eval
  763. class_exec
  764. class_variable_defined?
  765. class_variable_get
  766. class_variable_set
  767. class_variables
  768. clear
  769. clone
  770. close
  771. close_on_exec=
  772. close_on_exec?
  773. close_read
  774. close_write
  775. closed?
  776. codepoints
  777. coerce
  778. collect
  779. collect!
  780. collect_concat
  781. combination
  782. compact
  783. compact!
  784. compare_by_identity
  785. compare_by_identity?
  786. compatible?
  787. compile
  788. concat
  789. conj
  790. conjugate
  791. const_defined?
  792. const_get
  793. const_missing
  794. const_set
  795. constants
  796. convert
  797. convpath
  798. copy_stream
  799. coredump?
  800. cos
  801. cosh
  802. count
  803. count_objects
  804. cover?
  805. crypt
  806. ctime
  807. current
  808. curry
  809. cycle
  810. daemon
  811. day
  812. default
  813. default=
  814. default_external
  815. default_external=
  816. default_internal
  817. default_internal=
  818. default_proc
  819. default_proc=
  820. define_finalizer
  821. define_method
  822. define_singleton_method
  823. delete
  824. delete!
  825. delete_at
  826. delete_if
  827. denominator
  828. destination_encoding
  829. destination_encoding_name
  830. detach
  831. detect
  832. dev
  833. dev_major
  834. dev_minor
  835. directory?
  836. dirname
  837. disable
  838. display
  839. div
  840. divmod
  841. downcase
  842. downcase!
  843. downto
  844. drop
  845. drop_while
  846. dst?
  847. dummy?
  848. dump
  849. dup
  850. each
  851. each_byte
  852. each_char
  853. each_codepoint
  854. each_cons
  855. each_entry
  856. each_index
  857. each_key
  858. each_line
  859. each_object
  860. each_pair
  861. each_slice
  862. each_value
  863. each_with_index
  864. each_with_object
  865. egid
  866. egid=
  867. eid
  868. empty?
  869. enable
  870. enabled?
  871. enclose
  872. enclosed?
  873. encode
  874. encode!
  875. encoding
  876. end
  877. end_with?
  878. entries
  879. enum_for
  880. eof
  881. eof?
  882. eql?
  883. erf
  884. erfc
  885. errno
  886. error_bytes
  887. error_char
  888. escape
  889. euid
  890. euid=
  891. eval
  892. even?
  893. exception
  894. exclude_end?
  895. exclusive
  896. exec
  897. executable?
  898. executable_real?
  899. exist?
  900. exists?
  901. exit
  902. exit!
  903. exit_value
  904. exited?
  905. exitstatus
  906. exp
  907. expand_path
  908. extend
  909. extend_object
  910. extended
  911. external_encoding
  912. extname
  913. fail
  914. fcntl
  915. fdatasync
  916. fdiv
  917. feed
  918. fetch
  919. file
  920. file?
  921. filename
  922. fileno
  923. fill
  924. find
  925. find_all
  926. find_index
  927. finish
  928. finite?
  929. first
  930. fixed_encoding?
  931. flat_map
  932. flatten
  933. flatten!
  934. flock
  935. floor
  936. flush
  937. fnmatch
  938. fnmatch?
  939. for_fd
  940. force_encoding
  941. foreach
  942. fork
  943. format
  944. freeze
  945. frexp
  946. friday?
  947. frozen?
  948. fsync
  949. ftype
  950. gamma
  951. garbage_collect
  952. gcd
  953. gcdlcm
  954. getbyte
  955. getc
  956. getegid
  957. geteuid
  958. getgid
  959. getgm
  960. getlocal
  961. getpgid
  962. getpgrp
  963. getpriority
  964. getrlimit
  965. gets
  966. getuid
  967. getutc
  968. getwd
  969. gid
  970. gid=
  971. glob
  972. global_variables
  973. gm
  974. gmt?
  975. gmt_offset
  976. gmtime
  977. gmtoff
  978. grant_privilege
  979. grep
  980. group
  981. group_by
  982. groups
  983. groups=
  984. grpowned?
  985. gsub
  986. gsub!
  987. has_key?
  988. has_value?
  989. hash
  990. hex
  991. home
  992. hour
  993. hypot
  994. i
  995. id2name
  996. identical?
  997. imag
  998. imaginary
  999. include
  1000. include?
  1001. included
  1002. included_modules
  1003. incomplete_input?
  1004. index
  1005. infinite?
  1006. inherited
  1007. initgroups
  1008. initialize_copy
  1009. inject
  1010. ino
  1011. inplace_mode
  1012. inplace_mode=
  1013. insert
  1014. insert_output
  1015. inspect
  1016. instance_method
  1017. instance_methods
  1018. instance_of?
  1019. instance_variable_defined?
  1020. instance_variable_get
  1021. instance_variable_set
  1022. instance_variables
  1023. integer?
  1024. intern
  1025. internal_encoding
  1026. invert
  1027. ioctl
  1028. is_a?
  1029. isatty
  1030. isdst
  1031. issetugid
  1032. iterator?
  1033. join
  1034. keep_if
  1035. key
  1036. key?
  1037. keys
  1038. kill
  1039. kind_of?
  1040. lambda
  1041. lambda?
  1042. last
  1043. last_error
  1044. last_match
  1045. lchmod
  1046. lchown
  1047. lcm
  1048. ldexp
  1049. length
  1050. lgamma
  1051. lineno
  1052. lineno=
  1053. lines
  1054. link
  1055. list
  1056. ljust
  1057. load
  1058. local
  1059. local_variables
  1060. locale_charmap
  1061. localtime
  1062. lock
  1063. locked?
  1064. log
  1065. log10
  1066. log2
  1067. loop
  1068. lstat
  1069. lstrip
  1070. lstrip!
  1071. magnitude
  1072. main
  1073. malloc_allocated_size
  1074. malloc_allocations
  1075. map
  1076. map!
  1077. marshal_dump
  1078. marshal_load
  1079. match
  1080. max
  1081. max_by
  1082. maxgroups
  1083. maxgroups=
  1084. mday
  1085. member?
  1086. members
  1087. merge
  1088. merge!
  1089. message
  1090. method
  1091. method_added
  1092. method_defined?
  1093. method_removed
  1094. method_undefined
  1095. min
  1096. min_by
  1097. minmax
  1098. minmax_by
  1099. mkdir
  1100. mktime
  1101. mode
  1102. module_eval
  1103. module_exec
  1104. module_function
  1105. modulo
  1106. mon
  1107. monday?
  1108. month
  1109. mtime
  1110. name
  1111. name_list
  1112. named_captures
  1113. names
  1114. nan?
  1115. nesting
  1116. new
  1117. new_seed
  1118. next
  1119. next!
  1120. next_values
  1121. nil?
  1122. nlink
  1123. none?
  1124. nonzero?
  1125. now
  1126. nsec
  1127. numerator
  1128. object_id
  1129. oct
  1130. odd?
  1131. offset
  1132. one?
  1133. open
  1134. options
  1135. ord
  1136. owned?
  1137. owner
  1138. p
  1139. pack
  1140. parameters
  1141. partition
  1142. pass
  1143. path
  1144. peek
  1145. peek_values
  1146. permutation
  1147. phase
  1148. pid
  1149. pipe
  1150. pipe?
  1151. polar
  1152. pop
  1153. popen
  1154. pos
  1155. pos=
  1156. post_match
  1157. ppid
  1158. pre_match
  1159. pred
  1160. primitive_convert
  1161. primitive_errinfo
  1162. print
  1163. printf
  1164. priority
  1165. priority=
  1166. private
  1167. private_class_method
  1168. private_instance_methods
  1169. private_method_defined?
  1170. proc
  1171. product
  1172. protected
  1173. protected_instance_methods
  1174. protected_method_defined?
  1175. public
  1176. public_class_method
  1177. public_instance_method
  1178. public_instance_methods
  1179. public_method
  1180. public_method_defined?
  1181. public_send
  1182. push
  1183. putback
  1184. putc
  1185. puts
  1186. pwd
  1187. quo
  1188. quote
  1189. raise
  1190. rand
  1191. rassoc
  1192. rationalize
  1193. rdev
  1194. rdev_major
  1195. rdev_minor
  1196. re_exchange
  1197. re_exchangeable?
  1198. read
  1199. read_nonblock
  1200. readable?
  1201. readable_real?
  1202. readagain_bytes
  1203. readbyte
  1204. readchar
  1205. readline
  1206. readlines
  1207. readlink
  1208. readpartial
  1209. real
  1210. real?
  1211. realdirpath
  1212. realpath
  1213. reason
  1214. receiver
  1215. rect
  1216. rectangular
  1217. reduce
  1218. regexp
  1219. rehash
  1220. reject
  1221. reject!
  1222. remainder
  1223. remove_class_variable
  1224. remove_const
  1225. remove_instance_variable
  1226. remove_method
  1227. rename
  1228. reopen
  1229. repeated_combination
  1230. repeated_permutation
  1231. replace
  1232. replacement
  1233. replacement=
  1234. replicate
  1235. report
  1236. require
  1237. respond_to?
  1238. respond_to_missing?
  1239. restore
  1240. result
  1241. resume
  1242. reverse
  1243. reverse!
  1244. reverse_each
  1245. rewind
  1246. rid
  1247. rindex
  1248. rjust
  1249. rmdir
  1250. rotate
  1251. rotate!
  1252. round
  1253. rpartition
  1254. rstrip
  1255. rstrip!
  1256. run
  1257. safe_level
  1258. sample
  1259. saturday?
  1260. scan
  1261. search_convpath
  1262. sec
  1263. seed
  1264. seek
  1265. select
  1266. select!
  1267. send
  1268. set_backtrace
  1269. set_encoding
  1270. set_trace_func
  1271. setbyte
  1272. setegid
  1273. seteuid
  1274. setgid
  1275. setgid?
  1276. setpgid
  1277. setpgrp
  1278. setpriority
  1279. setregid
  1280. setresgid
  1281. setresuid
  1282. setreuid
  1283. setrgid
  1284. setrlimit
  1285. setruid
  1286. setsid
  1287. setuid
  1288. setuid?
  1289. shift
  1290. shuffle
  1291. shuffle!
  1292. sid_available?
  1293. signaled?
  1294. signo
  1295. sin
  1296. singleton_class
  1297. singleton_method_added
  1298. singleton_methods
  1299. sinh
  1300. size
  1301. size?
  1302. skip
  1303. sleep
  1304. slice
  1305. slice!
  1306. slice_before
  1307. socket?
  1308. sort
  1309. sort!
  1310. sort_by
  1311. sort_by!
  1312. source
  1313. source_encoding
  1314. source_encoding_name
  1315. source_location
  1316. spawn
  1317. split
  1318. sprintf
  1319. sqrt
  1320. squeeze
  1321. squeeze!
  1322. srand
  1323. start
  1324. start_with?
  1325. stat
  1326. status
  1327. step
  1328. sticky?
  1329. stop
  1330. stop?
  1331. stopped?
  1332. stopsig
  1333. store
  1334. stress
  1335. stress=
  1336. strftime
  1337. strip
  1338. strip!
  1339. sub
  1340. sub!
  1341. subsec
  1342. succ
  1343. succ!
  1344. success?
  1345. sum
  1346. sunday?
  1347. superclass
  1348. swapcase
  1349. swapcase!
  1350. switch
  1351. symlink
  1352. symlink?
  1353. sync
  1354. sync=
  1355. synchronize
  1356. syscall
  1357. sysopen
  1358. sysread
  1359. sysseek
  1360. system
  1361. syswrite
  1362. taint
  1363. tainted?
  1364. take
  1365. take_while
  1366. tan
  1367. tanh
  1368. tap
  1369. tell
  1370. terminate
  1371. termsig
  1372. test
  1373. throw
  1374. thursday?
  1375. times
  1376. to_a
  1377. to_ary
  1378. to_c
  1379. to_enum
  1380. to_f
  1381. to_hash
  1382. to_i
  1383. to_int
  1384. to_io
  1385. to_path
  1386. to_proc
  1387. to_r
  1388. to_s
  1389. to_str
  1390. to_sym
  1391. total_time
  1392. tr
  1393. tr!
  1394. tr_s
  1395. tr_s!
  1396. trace_var
  1397. transfer
  1398. transpose
  1399. trap
  1400. truncate
  1401. trust
  1402. try_convert
  1403. try_lock
  1404. tty?
  1405. tuesday?
  1406. tv_nsec
  1407. tv_sec
  1408. tv_usec
  1409. uid
  1410. uid=
  1411. umask
  1412. unbind
  1413. undef_method
  1414. undefine_finalizer
  1415. ungetbyte
  1416. ungetc
  1417. union
  1418. uniq
  1419. uniq!
  1420. unlink
  1421. unlock
  1422. unpack
  1423. unshift
  1424. untaint
  1425. untrace_var
  1426. untrust
  1427. untrusted?
  1428. upcase
  1429. upcase!
  1430. update
  1431. upto
  1432. usec
  1433. utc
  1434. utc?
  1435. utc_offset
  1436. utime
  1437. valid_encoding?
  1438. value
  1439. value?
  1440. values
  1441. values_at
  1442. wait
  1443. wait2
  1444. waitall
  1445. waitpid
  1446. waitpid2
  1447. wakeup
  1448. warn
  1449. wday
  1450. wednesday?
  1451. with_index
  1452. with_object
  1453. world_readable?
  1454. world_writable?
  1455. writable?
  1456. writable_real?
  1457. write
  1458. write_nonblock
  1459. yday
  1460. year
  1461. yield
  1462. zero?
  1463. zip
  1464. zone
  1465. ; Rails methods
  1466. GET
  1467. POST
  1468. __replay__
  1469. _all_autoload_paths
  1470. _all_load_paths
  1471. _compile_per_key_options
  1472. _dasherize
  1473. _dump_without_utc_flag
  1474. _dump_without_zone
  1475. _handle_method_missing
  1476. _implied_layout_name
  1477. _insert_callbacks
  1478. _load_without_utc_flag
  1479. _load_without_zone
  1480. _normalize_callback_options
  1481. _normalize_options
  1482. _original_to_s
  1483. _parse_file
  1484. _prefix
  1485. _read_attribute
  1486. _render_partial
  1487. _routes
  1488. _run_class_setup
  1489. _save_fragment
  1490. _set_detail
  1491. _update_filter
  1492. _write_layout_method
  1493. _write_render_options
  1494. abstract!
  1495. abstract_class?
  1496. abstract_railtie?
  1497. accept
  1498. accepts
  1499. accepts_nested_attributes_for
  1500. accessible_attributes
  1501. action
  1502. action_has_layout?
  1503. action_methods
  1504. action_options?
  1505. action_path
  1506. active
  1507. active?
  1508. active_authorizer
  1509. acts_like?
  1510. acts_like_date?
  1511. acts_like_string?
  1512. acts_like_time?
  1513. adapter_name
  1514. add_column
  1515. add_column_position!
  1516. add_error
  1517. add_expr_escaped
  1518. add_expr_literal
  1519. add_filter
  1520. add_index
  1521. add_limit_offset!
  1522. add_observer
  1523. add_observer!
  1524. add_on_blank
  1525. add_on_empty
  1526. add_postamble
  1527. add_preamble
  1528. add_renderer
  1529. add_resource_route
  1530. add_routes
  1531. add_shebang_option!
  1532. add_silencer
  1533. add_source
  1534. add_stmt
  1535. add_text
  1536. add_timestamps
  1537. add_to_base
  1538. add_to_transaction
  1539. add_transaction_record
  1540. add_whiner
  1541. advance
  1542. after
  1543. after_commit
  1544. after_dispatch
  1545. after_initialize
  1546. after_rollback
  1547. after_validation
  1548. aggregate_mapping
  1549. ago
  1550. alert
  1551. alias_attribute
  1552. alias_method_chain
  1553. all
  1554. all_paths
  1555. announce
  1556. anonymous?
  1557. api_behavior
  1558. api_location
  1559. app
  1560. app_const
  1561. app_const_base
  1562. app_generators
  1563. app_middleware
  1564. app_name
  1565. app_secret
  1566. append
  1567. append_if_string
  1568. append_info_to_payload
  1569. append_view_path
  1570. application
  1571. application_name
  1572. apply_common_behavior_for
  1573. apply_finder_options
  1574. apply_join_dependency
  1575. apply_rails_template
  1576. arel
  1577. arel_engine
  1578. arel_table
  1579. arguments
  1580. array_or_string_for_javascript
  1581. as_json
  1582. assert_blank
  1583. assert_class_method
  1584. assert_difference
  1585. assert_directory
  1586. assert_dom_equal
  1587. assert_dom_not_equal
  1588. assert_field_default_value
  1589. assert_field_type
  1590. assert_file
  1591. assert_generates
  1592. assert_index
  1593. assert_instance_method
  1594. assert_method
  1595. assert_migration
  1596. assert_no_difference
  1597. assert_no_directory
  1598. assert_no_file
  1599. assert_no_migration
  1600. assert_no_tag
  1601. assert_present
  1602. assert_recognizes
  1603. assert_redirected_to
  1604. assert_response
  1605. assert_routing
  1606. assert_select
  1607. assert_select_email
  1608. assert_select_encoded
  1609. assert_select_rjs
  1610. assert_tag
  1611. assert_template
  1612. assert_valid_keys
  1613. assign
  1614. assign_shortcuts
  1615. assigns
  1616. assume_migrated_upto_version
  1617. at_beginning_of_day
  1618. at_beginning_of_month
  1619. at_beginning_of_quarter
  1620. at_beginning_of_week
  1621. at_beginning_of_year
  1622. at_end_of_month
  1623. at_end_of_quarter
  1624. at_end_of_week
  1625. at_end_of_year
  1626. at_midnight
  1627. atom_feed
  1628. atomic_write
  1629. attach_to
  1630. attachments
  1631. attr_accessible
  1632. attr_accessor_with_default
  1633. attr_internal
  1634. attr_internal_accessor
  1635. attr_internal_reader
  1636. attr_internal_writer
  1637. attr_protected
  1638. attr_readonly
  1639. attribute_for_inspect
  1640. attribute_match
  1641. attribute_method?
  1642. attribute_method_affix
  1643. attribute_method_prefix
  1644. attribute_method_suffix
  1645. attribute_methods_generated?
  1646. attribute_names
  1647. attribute_present?
  1648. attributes
  1649. attributes_before_type_cast
  1650. attributes_protected_by_default
  1651. audio_path
  1652. audio_tag
  1653. auth_type
  1654. authenticate
  1655. authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic
  1656. authenticate_or_request_with_http_digest
  1657. authenticate_or_request_with_http_token
  1658. authenticate_with_http_basic
  1659. authenticate_with_http_digest
  1660. authenticate_with_http_token
  1661. authentication_header
  1662. authentication_request
  1663. authorization
  1664. auto_discovery_link_tag
  1665. auto_flush
  1666. auto_flushing
  1667. auto_link
  1668. autoload_at
  1669. autoload_once
  1670. autoload_once_paths
  1671. autoload_paths
  1672. autoload_under
  1673. autoloads
  1674. available_views
  1675. average
  1676. backend
  1677. backtrace_cleaner
  1678. bang?
  1679. banner
  1680. base64
  1681. base_class
  1682. base_name
  1683. base_root
  1684. becomes
  1685. before
  1686. before_configuration
  1687. before_dispatch
  1688. before_eager_load
  1689. before_filters
  1690. before_initialize
  1691. before_validation
  1692. begin_db_transaction
  1693. beginning_of_day
  1694. beginning_of_month
  1695. beginning_of_quarter
  1696. beginning_of_week
  1697. beginning_of_year
  1698. behavior
  1699. belongs_to
  1700. benchmark
  1701. best_install_method
  1702. binary_content
  1703. binary_to_string
  1704. blank?
  1705. body
  1706. body_parts
  1707. breakpoint
  1708. buffer
  1709. build
  1710. build_arel
  1711. build_callbacks
  1712. build_conditions
  1713. build_from_hash
  1714. build_mem_cache
  1715. build_middleware_stack
  1716. build_sti_condition
  1717. build_through_conditions
  1718. builder
  1719. builtin_controller
  1720. bundle_if_dev_or_edge
  1721. button_to
  1722. button_to_function
  1723. byte
  1724. cache
  1725. cache_attribute?
  1726. cache_attributes
  1727. cache_fixtures
  1728. cache_for_connection
  1729. cache_key
  1730. cache_page
  1731. cache_store
  1732. cached_attributes
  1733. cached_fixtures
  1734. caches_action
  1735. caches_page
  1736. caching_allowed?
  1737. calculate
  1738. callback
  1739. camelcase
  1740. camelize
  1741. canonical_action?
  1742. capify!
  1743. capture
  1744. case_sensitive_equality_operator
  1745. cattr_accessor
  1746. cattr_reader
  1747. cattr_writer
  1748. cdata_block
  1749. cdata_section
  1750. change
  1751. change_column
  1752. change_column_default
  1753. change_column_null
  1754. change_default
  1755. change_table
  1756. changed
  1757. changed?
  1758. changed_attributes
  1759. changed_for_autosave?
  1760. changes
  1761. characters
  1762. charset
  1763. check_box
  1764. check_box_checked?
  1765. check_box_tag
  1766. check_class_collision
  1767. check_validity!
  1768. checkin
  1769. checkout
  1770. civil_from_format
  1771. class_attribute
  1772. class_name
  1773. class_of_active_record_descendant
  1774. classify
  1775. clean
  1776. cleanup
  1777. cleanup_view_runtime
  1778. clear!
  1779. clear_action_methods!
  1780. clear_active_connections!
  1781. clear_all_connections!
  1782. clear_buffer
  1783. clear_cache
  1784. clear_helpers
  1785. clear_query_cache
  1786. clear_reloadable_connections!
  1787. clear_respond_to
  1788. clear_stale_cached_connections!
  1789. clear_transaction_record_state
  1790. client_error?
  1791. client_min_messages
  1792. clone_attribute_value
  1793. clone_attributes
  1794. code
  1795. collation
  1796. collection
  1797. collection_path
  1798. collection_select
  1799. collection_with_template
  1800. collection_without_template
  1801. color
  1802. colorize_logging
  1803. column
  1804. column_aliases
  1805. column_exists?
  1806. column_for_attribute
  1807. column_name_length
  1808. column_names
  1809. columns
  1810. columns_hash
  1811. columns_per_multicolumn_index
  1812. columns_per_table
  1813. commit_db_transaction
  1814. commit_transaction_records
  1815. comparable_time
  1816. compare_with_coercion
  1817. compare_without_coercion
  1818. compose
  1819. compose_codepoints
  1820. composed_of
  1821. compress
  1822. compressed?
  1823. compute_type
  1824. conditions
  1825. config
  1826. config_accessor
  1827. configru
  1828. configuration
  1829. configurations
  1830. configure
  1831. connected?
  1832. connection
  1833. connection_handler
  1834. connection_pool
  1835. consider_all_requests_local?
  1836. console
  1837. constantize
  1838. constraints
  1839. construct_conditions
  1840. construct_from
  1841. construct_join_attributes
  1842. construct_join_dependency_for_association_find
  1843. construct_joins
  1844. construct_limited_ids_condition
  1845. construct_owner_attributes
  1846. construct_quoted_owner_attributes
  1847. construct_relation_for_association_calculations
  1848. construct_relation_for_association_find
  1849. construct_scope
  1850. construct_select
  1851. consumes?
  1852. contains_bad_protocols?
  1853. content_columns
  1854. content_for
  1855. content_for?
  1856. content_length
  1857. content_mime_type
  1858. content_tag
  1859. content_tag_for
  1860. content_type
  1861. controller
  1862. controller_class
  1863. controller_class_name
  1864. controller_class_path
  1865. controller_constraints
  1866. controller_file_name
  1867. controller_file_path
  1868. controller_i18n_scope
  1869. controller_name
  1870. controller_path
  1871. controller_paths
  1872. convert_key
  1873. convert_to_model
  1874. convert_value
  1875. cookie_jar
  1876. cookie_secret
  1877. cookies
  1878. copy_stylesheets_file
  1879. copy_view_files
  1880. count_by_sql
  1881. count_observers
  1882. counter_name
  1883. create
  1884. create!
  1885. create_active_record_files
  1886. create_app_files
  1887. create_boot_file
  1888. create_config_files
  1889. create_controller_files
  1890. create_database
  1891. create_db_files
  1892. create_doc_files
  1893. create_fixture_file
  1894. create_fixtures
  1895. create_generated_attribute
  1896. create_generator_files
  1897. create_helper_files
  1898. create_lib_files
  1899. create_log_files
  1900. create_prototype_files
  1901. create_public_files
  1902. create_public_image_files
  1903. create_public_stylesheets_files
  1904. create_reflection
  1905. create_root
  1906. create_root_files
  1907. create_root_folder
  1908. create_savepoint
  1909. create_script_files
  1910. create_table
  1911. create_tasks_files
  1912. create_test_file
  1913. create_test_files
  1914. create_tmp_files
  1915. create_vendor_files
  1916. create_with
  1917. creator?
  1918. csrf_meta_tag
  1919. css_select
  1920. current_cycle
  1921. current_database
  1922. current_hash
  1923. current_page?
  1924. current_savepoint_name
  1925. custom_join_sql
  1926. custom_method_collection_url
  1927. dasherize
  1928. data
  1929. data_column
  1930. data_column_name
  1931. data_column_size_limit
  1932. database_configuration
  1933. database_configuration_file
  1934. database_yml
  1935. date_select
  1936. datetime_select
  1937. days
  1938. days_in_month
  1939. db
  1940. debug_protected_attribute_removal
  1941. debug_rjs
  1942. debugger
  1943. decode
  1944. decode64
  1945. decode_credentials
  1946. decode_credentials_header
  1947. decompose
  1948. decompose_codepoints
  1949. decompress
  1950. decrement
  1951. decrement!
  1952. decrement_counter
  1953. decrement_open_transactions
  1954. decrypt
  1955. decrypt_and_verify
  1956. deep_merge
  1957. deep_merge!
  1958. default_action
  1959. default_aliases_for_option
  1960. default_for_option
  1961. default_format
  1962. default_inspect
  1963. default_middleware_stack
  1964. default_options
  1965. default_primary_key_type
  1966. default_render
  1967. default_scope
  1968. default_sequence_name
  1969. default_source_root
  1970. default_timezone
  1971. default_url_options
  1972. default_value_for_option
  1973. defaults
  1974. define
  1975. define_attr_method
  1976. define_attribute_methods
  1977. define_callbacks
  1978. define_method_attribute
  1979. define_model_callbacks
  1980. defined_activerecord_methods
  1981. defined_app_const_base
  1982. defined_app_const_base?
  1983. defined_app_name
  1984. delay
  1985. delegate
  1986. delete?
  1987. delete_all
  1988. delete_entry
  1989. delete_existing_fixtures
  1990. delete_matched
  1991. delete_sql
  1992. delete_via_redirect
  1993. demodulize
  1994. deny?
  1995. deprecate
  1996. deprecate_methods
  1997. deprecated_method_warning
  1998. deprecated_url_options
  1999. desc
  2000. descendants
  2001. descends_from_active_record?
  2002. describe
  2003. destination
  2004. destroy
  2005. destroy_all
  2006. destroyed?
  2007. details_for_lookup
  2008. determine_default_controller_class
  2009. determine_default_helper_class
  2010. determine_install_method
  2011. dev_or_edge?
  2012. diff
  2013. direct_descendants
  2014. dirties_query_cache
  2015. disable_referential_integrity
  2016. discard
  2017. disconnect!
  2018. dispatch
  2019. distance_of_time_in_words
  2020. distance_of_time_in_words_to_now
  2021. distinct
  2022. div_for
  2023. doc
  2024. dom_class
  2025. dom_id
  2026. domain
  2027. download
  2028. draggable
  2029. draggable_element
  2030. drop_receiving
  2031. drop_receiving_element
  2032. drop_table
  2033. duplicable?
  2034. each_full
  2035. eager_autoload
  2036. eager_autoload!
  2037. eager_load
  2038. eager_load!
  2039. eager_load_paths
  2040. eager_loading?
  2041. element_path
  2042. email_field
  2043. email_field_tag
  2044. emitted_hidden_id?
  2045. empty_directory_with_gitkeep
  2046. empty_insert_statement_value
  2047. empty_json_resource
  2048. empty_resource
  2049. emulate_booleans
  2050. enable_warnings
  2051. encode64
  2052. encode64s
  2053. encode_credentials
  2054. encode_json
  2055. encode_with
  2056. encoding_aware?
  2057. encrypt
  2058. encrypt_and_sign
  2059. end_document
  2060. end_element
  2061. end_of_day
  2062. end_of_month
  2063. end_of_quarter
  2064. end_of_week
  2065. end_of_year
  2066. engines
  2067. entry
  2068. enumerate
  2069. env
  2070. env_defaults
  2071. env_filter
  2072. environment
  2073. erb_trim_mode
  2074. error
  2075. error?
  2076. error_message
  2077. error_wrapping
  2078. errors
  2079. escape_bytea
  2080. escape_javascript
  2081. escape_once
  2082. establish_connection
  2083. etag
  2084. etag?
  2085. etag_matches?
  2086. exabyte
  2087. exabytes
  2088. except
  2089. except!
  2090. excerpt
  2091. exclude?
  2092. exec_script_rails!
  2093. execute
  2094. execute_hook
  2095. execute_if_updated
  2096. expand_cache_key
  2097. expand_hash_conditions_for_aggregates
  2098. expected_response
  2099. expire_action
  2100. expire_fragment
  2101. expire_page
  2102. expired?
  2103. expires_at
  2104. expires_in
  2105. expires_now
  2106. extending
  2107. extension
  2108. externals
  2109. extify
  2110. extract!
  2111. extract_annotations_from
  2112. extract_default
  2113. extract_options!
  2114. extractable_options?
  2115. fallback_string_to_date
  2116. fallback_string_to_time
  2117. fallbacks
  2118. fast_string_to_date
  2119. fast_string_to_time
  2120. favicon_link_tag
  2121. fetch_dir
  2122. field_set_tag
  2123. field_type
  2124. fields_for
  2125. fifth
  2126. file_field
  2127. file_field_tag
  2128. file_path
  2129. filter
  2130. filter_by
  2131. filtered_env
  2132. filtered_options
  2133. filtered_parameters
  2134. filtered_path
  2135. filtered_query_string
  2136. find_all_tag
  2137. find_by_attributes
  2138. find_by_session_id
  2139. find_by_sql
  2140. find_cmd
  2141. find_first
  2142. find_in
  2143. find_last
  2144. find_layout
  2145. find_one
  2146. find_or_instantiator_by_attributes
  2147. find_root_with_flag
  2148. find_some
  2149. find_tag
  2150. find_template
  2151. find_tzinfo
  2152. find_with_associations
  2153. find_with_ids
  2154. finder?
  2155. finish_template
  2156. fixture_file_upload
  2157. fixture_is_cached?
  2158. fixtures
  2159. flash
  2160. flush_all!
  2161. flush_cache
  2162. flushable_loggers
  2163. follow_redirect!
  2164. for_class
  2165. for_id
  2166. for_tag
  2167. foreign_key
  2168. forgery_whitelisted?
  2169. forking_env?
  2170. form_authenticity_param
  2171. form_authenticity_token
  2172. form_data?
  2173. form_for
  2174. form_tag
  2175. formats
  2176. formatted_offset
  2177. fortnight
  2178. fortnights
  2179. forty_two
  2180. fourth
  2181. fragment_cache_key
  2182. fragment_exist?
  2183. framework_version
  2184. frameworks
  2185. freeze!
  2186. freeze_with_memoizable
  2187. fresh?
  2188. fresh_when
  2189. from
  2190. from_array
  2191. from_json
  2192. from_now
  2193. from_rails_root
  2194. from_response
  2195. from_xml
  2196. full_messages
  2197. full_test_name
  2198. fullpath
  2199. future?
  2200. g_length
  2201. g_pack
  2202. g_unpack
  2203. gem
  2204. gem_for_database
  2205. gemfile
  2206. generate
  2207. generate_message
  2208. generate_method_for_mime
  2209. generator
  2210. generator_dir
  2211. generator_name
  2212. generators
  2213. get?
  2214. get_via_redirect
  2215. gigabyte
  2216. gigabytes
  2217. git
  2218. git_url?
  2219. gitignore
  2220. grouped_collection_select
  2221. grouped_options_for_select
  2222. h
  2223. ha1
  2224. handle_unverified_request
  2225. handler_for_rescue
  2226. handles_encoding?
  2227. has_and_belongs_to_many
  2228. has_attribute?
  2229. has_default?
  2230. has_empty_resource_definition?
  2231. has_errors?
  2232. has_flash?
  2233. has_flash_object?
  2234. has_flash_with_contents?
  2235. has_many
  2236. has_one
  2237. has_session_object?
  2238. has_template_object?
  2239. having
  2240. head
  2241. head?
  2242. headers
  2243. help
  2244. helper
  2245. helper_attr
  2246. helper_class
  2247. helper_method
  2248. helpers
  2249. helpers_dir
  2250. hidden_actions
  2251. hidden_field
  2252. hidden_field_tag
  2253. hidden_namespaces
  2254. hide
  2255. hide_action
  2256. hide_namespace
  2257. hide_namespaces
  2258. highlight
  2259. hook_for
  2260. host
  2261. host!
  2262. host_with_port
  2263. hours
  2264. html?
  2265. html_document
  2266. html_escape
  2267. html_safe
  2268. html_safe!
  2269. html_safe?
  2270. httpdate
  2271. https!
  2272. https?
  2273. human
  2274. human_attribute_name
  2275. human_name
  2276. humanize
  2277. i18n_scope
  2278. id
  2279. id_constraint
  2280. id_constraint?
  2281. id_from_response
  2282. identify
  2283. ids_in_list_limit
  2284. if_modified_since
  2285. if_none_match
  2286. image_path
  2287. image_submit_tag
  2288. image_tag
  2289. images
  2290. in
  2291. in_char_class?
  2292. in_clause_length
  2293. in_groups
  2294. in_groups_of
  2295. in_memory_controller_namespaces
  2296. in_rails_application?
  2297. in_rails_application_subdirectory?
  2298. in_time_zone
  2299. include_fallbacks_module
  2300. include_with_range?
  2301. includes
  2302. increment
  2303. increment!
  2304. increment_counter
  2305. increment_open_transactions
  2306. index_by
  2307. index_exists?
  2308. index_helper
  2309. index_name_exists?
  2310. index_name_length
  2311. indexes
  2312. indexes_per_table
  2313. inflections
  2314. info
  2315. inheritance_column
  2316. init_fallbacks
  2317. init_with
  2318. initialize!
  2319. initialize_console
  2320. initialize_generators
  2321. initialize_i18n
  2322. initialize_schema_migrations_table
  2323. initialize_tasks
  2324. initialize_template_class
  2325. initialized
  2326. initialized?
  2327. initializer
  2328. initializers
  2329. initializers_chain
  2330. initializers_for
  2331. insert_after
  2332. insert_before
  2333. insert_fixture
  2334. insert_fixtures
  2335. insert_html
  2336. insert_sql
  2337. install
  2338. installed?
  2339. instance
  2340. instance_method_already_implemented?
  2341. instance_method_names
  2342. instance_variable_names
  2343. instantiate_all_loaded_fixtures
  2344. instantiate_fixtures
  2345. instantiate_observers
  2346. instantiator?
  2347. instrument
  2348. instrument_fragment_cache
  2349. instrumenter
  2350. internal_methods
  2351. invalid?
  2352. invoke
  2353. ip
  2354. irregular
  2355. is_missing?
  2356. is_utf8?
  2357. iso8601
  2358. j
  2359. javascript_include_tag
  2360. javascript_path
  2361. javascript_tag
  2362. javascripts
  2363. joins
  2364. joins_per_query
  2365. json_escape
  2366. keep
  2367. key_matcher
  2368. kilobyte
  2369. kilobytes
  2370. kind
  2371. klass
  2372. known_attributes
  2373. l
  2374. label
  2375. label_tag
  2376. last_modified
  2377. last_modified?
  2378. layout
  2379. lib
  2380. limit
  2381. limited_update_conditions
  2382. link_to
  2383. link_to_function
  2384. link_to_if
  2385. link_to_unless
  2386. link_to_unless_current
  2387. links
  2388. listeners_for
  2389. listening?
  2390. literal
  2391. load_attributes_from_response
  2392. load_console
  2393. load_deprecated_tasks
  2394. load_generators
  2395. load_paths
  2396. load_tasks
  2397. loaded?
  2398. local?
  2399. local_constant_names
  2400. local_constants
  2401. local_offset
  2402. local_time
  2403. local_to_utc
  2404. locale
  2405. localize
  2406. locals
  2407. location
  2408. lock!
  2409. locking_column
  2410. locking_enabled?
  2411. log_path
  2412. log_process_action
  2413. log_subscriber
  2414. log_subscribers
  2415. logged
  2416. logger
  2417. lookup
  2418. lookup_ancestors
  2419. lookup_by_extension
  2420. lookup_context
  2421. lookup_store
  2422. ls
  2423. mail
  2424. mail_to
  2425. mailer_name
  2426. many?
  2427. mark_for_destruction
  2428. marked_for_destruction?
  2429. mass_assignment_authorizer
  2430. matches?
  2431. mattr_accessor
  2432. mattr_reader
  2433. mattr_writer
  2434. maximum
  2435. mb_chars
  2436. measure
  2437. measure_mode
  2438. media_type
  2439. megabyte
  2440. megabytes
  2441. member
  2442. memoize
  2443. memoize_all
  2444. memoized_ivar_for
  2445. method_for_action
  2446. method_missing
  2447. method_missing_target
  2448. method_name
  2449. method_names
  2450. method_option_to_s
  2451. method_symbol
  2452. microseconds
  2453. middleware
  2454. midnight
  2455. migrate
  2456. migration_template
  2457. migrations_path
  2458. mime_type
  2459. minimum
  2460. minus_with_coercion
  2461. minus_without_coercion
  2462. minus_without_duration
  2463. minute
  2464. minutes
  2465. missing?
  2466. missing_name
  2467. missing_name?
  2468. model_name
  2469. monday
  2470. months
  2471. months_ago
  2472. months_since
  2473. mount
  2474. ms
  2475. multiple_of?
  2476. mute
  2477. mysql_socket
  2478. name_for_action
  2479. named_scope
  2480. namespace
  2481. native_database_types
  2482. navigation_behavior
  2483. navigation_location
  2484. negotiate_mime
  2485. nested
  2486. nested_options
  2487. new?
  2488. new_constants
  2489. new_date
  2490. new_element_path
  2491. new_from_hash_copying_default
  2492. new_record?
  2493. new_session
  2494. new_time
  2495. next_element
  2496. next_id
  2497. next_month
  2498. next_selector
  2499. next_week
  2500. next_year
  2501. no_color!
  2502. nonce
  2503. normalize
  2504. normalize_name
  2505. normalize_options!
  2506. normalize_path
  2507. not_modified?
  2508. notice
  2509. notifier
  2510. notify_observers
  2511. nth_child
  2512. number?
  2513. number_field
  2514. number_field_tag
  2515. number_to_currency
  2516. number_to_human
  2517. number_to_human_size
  2518. number_to_percentage
  2519. number_to_phone
  2520. number_with_delimiter
  2521. number_with_precision
  2522. object
  2523. observe
  2524. observed_class
  2525. observed_classes
  2526. observed_descendants
  2527. observers
  2528. on
  2529. on_base
  2530. on_cdata_block
  2531. on_characters
  2532. on_end_document
  2533. on_end_element
  2534. on_load
  2535. on_start_document
  2536. on_start_element
  2537. only
  2538. only_child
  2539. opaque
  2540. open_session
  2541. open_transactions
  2542. opt_parser
  2543. option_groups_from_collection_for_select
  2544. options_for
  2545. options_for_ajax
  2546. options_for_javascript
  2547. options_for_select
  2548. options_from_collection_for_select
  2549. options_include_default?
  2550. order
  2551. ordinalize
  2552. orig_delete
  2553. orm_class
  2554. orm_instance
  2555. output_filename
  2556. outside_transaction?
  2557. overlaps?
  2558. parameter_filter
  2559. parameter_filter_for
  2560. parameterize
  2561. params
  2562. parent
  2563. parent_name
  2564. parent_of?
  2565. parents
  2566. parse
  2567. parse!
  2568. parse_raw_value_as_a_number
  2569. parse_raw_value_as_an_integer
  2570. password
  2571. password_field
  2572. password_field_tag
  2573. past?
  2574. path_for_action
  2575. path_parameters
  2576. path_to_audio
  2577. path_to_image
  2578. path_to_javascript
  2579. path_to_stylesheet
  2580. path_to_video
  2581. paths
  2582. pending
  2583. perform_validations
  2584. performed?
  2585. period
  2586. period_for_local
  2587. period_for_utc
  2588. persisted?
  2589. petabyte
  2590. petabytes
  2591. phone_field
  2592. phone_field_tag
  2593. plugin
  2594. plugin_dir
  2595. plugins
  2596. plural
  2597. plural_file_name
  2598. plural_name
  2599. plural_table_name
  2600. pluralize
  2601. pluralize_table_names
  2602. pluralize_table_names?
  2603. polymorphic_path
  2604. polymorphic_url
  2605. pop_d
  2606. pop_modules
  2607. port
  2608. port_string
  2609. post?
  2610. post_via_redirect
  2611. postgresql_version
  2612. precisionless_round
  2613. prefetch_primary_key?
  2614. prefix
  2615. prefix_name_for_action
  2616. prefix_source
  2617. preload
  2618. preload_associations
  2619. prepare!
  2620. prepare_controller_class
  2621. prepare_destination
  2622. prepend_view_path
  2623. presence
  2624. present?
  2625. prev_month
  2626. prev_year
  2627. previous_changes
  2628. primary_key
  2629. primary_key_prefix_type
  2630. prime_cache
  2631. process
  2632. process_action
  2633. process_attributes_for
  2634. process_node
  2635. process_view_paths
  2636. process_with_new_base_test
  2637. profile
  2638. properties
  2639. property
  2640. protect_against_forgery?
  2641. protect_from_forgery
  2642. protected_attributes
  2643. protocol
  2644. proxy
  2645. proxy_class
  2646. prune
  2647. pruning?
  2648. public_directory
  2649. public_path
  2650. publish
  2651. push_d
  2652. put
  2653. put?
  2654. put_via_redirect
  2655. query
  2656. query_attribute
  2657. query_parameters
  2658. quote_column_name
  2659. quote_string
  2660. quote_table_name
  2661. quoted_columns_for_index
  2662. quoted_date
  2663. quoted_false
  2664. quoted_locking_column
  2665. quoted_primary_key
  2666. quoted_table_name
  2667. quoted_true
  2668. radio_button
  2669. radio_button_checked?
  2670. radio_button_tag
  2671. railtie_name
  2672. railties
  2673. rake
  2674. rake_tasks
  2675. rakefile
  2676. random_bytes
  2677. random_number
  2678. range_field
  2679. range_field_tag
  2680. raw
  2681. raw_connection
  2682. raw_host_with_port
  2683. raw_post
  2684. raw_value
  2685. read_attribute
  2686. read_attribute_before_type_cast
  2687. read_entry
  2688. read_fragment
  2689. read_multi
  2690. readable_inspect
  2691. readme
  2692. readonly
  2693. readonly!
  2694. readonly?
  2695. readonly_attributes
  2696. receive
  2697. recompile!
  2698. reconnect!
  2699. record
  2700. record_key_for_dom_id
  2701. recycle!
  2702. redefine_method
  2703. redirect
  2704. redirect?
  2705. redirect_to
  2706. redirect_to_url
  2707. redirect_url
  2708. redirect_url_match?
  2709. redirected_to
  2710. ref
  2711. reference?
  2712. references
  2713. reflect_on_aggregation
  2714. reflect_on_all_aggregations
  2715. reflect_on_all_associations
  2716. reflect_on_all_autosave_associations
  2717. reflect_on_association
  2718. reflections
  2719. register
  2720. register_alias
  2721. register_interceptor
  2722. register_interceptors
  2723. register_javascript_expansion
  2724. register_javascript_include_default
  2725. register_observer
  2726. register_observers
  2727. register_stylesheet_expansion
  2728. regular_update
  2729. regular_writer
  2730. release_connection
  2731. release_savepoint
  2732. reload
  2733. reload!
  2734. reload_routes!
  2735. reloader
  2736. remember_transaction_record_state
  2737. remote_addr
  2738. remote_addrs
  2739. remote_function
  2740. remote_ip
  2741. remove
  2742. remove_belongs_to
  2743. remove_column
  2744. remove_columns
  2745. remove_connection
  2746. remove_filters!
  2747. remove_hook_for
  2748. remove_index
  2749. remove_multiparameter_id
  2750. remove_possible_method
  2751. remove_references
  2752. remove_silencers!
  2753. remove_timestamps
  2754. rename_column
  2755. rename_index
  2756. rename_key
  2757. rename_table
  2758. render
  2759. render_collection
  2760. render_partial
  2761. render_template
  2762. render_to_body
  2763. render_to_string
  2764. rendered
  2765. reorder
  2766. reorder_characters
  2767. replace_html
  2768. request
  2769. request_http_basic_authentication
  2770. request_http_digest_authentication
  2771. request_http_token_authentication
  2772. request_method
  2773. request_method_symbol
  2774. request_parameters
  2775. request_uri
  2776. request_via_redirect
  2777. requests
  2778. require_fixture_classes
  2779. require_library_or_gem
  2780. requires_reloading?
  2781. rescue_action
  2782. rescue_action_in_public!
  2783. rescue_action_without_handler
  2784. rescue_from
  2785. rescue_with_handler
  2786. reset
  2787. reset!
  2788. reset_cache
  2789. reset_callbacks
  2790. reset_column_information
  2791. reset_counters
  2792. reset_cycle
  2793. reset_javascript_include_default
  2794. reset_locking_column
  2795. reset_runtime
  2796. reset_sequence!
  2797. reset_session
  2798. resource
  2799. resource_location
  2800. resource_method_scope?
  2801. resource_scope
  2802. resource_scope?
  2803. resourceful?
  2804. resources
  2805. resources_path_names
  2806. respond
  2807. respond_to
  2808. respond_to_without_attributes?
  2809. response_body
  2810. response_code
  2811. response_from_page_or_rjs
  2812. responses
  2813. restore_transaction_record_state
  2814. retrieve_connection
  2815. retrieve_connection_pool
  2816. returning
  2817. reverse_merge
  2818. reverse_merge!
  2819. reverse_order
  2820. reverse_update
  2821. rfc2822
  2822. rfc822
  2823. rollback_active_record_state!
  2824. rollback_db_transaction
  2825. rollback_to_savepoint
  2826. rollback_transaction_records
  2827. root
  2828. route
  2829. route_url
  2830. routes
  2831. routes_configuration_file
  2832. routes_reloader
  2833. run_callbacks
  2834. run_generator
  2835. run_in_isolation
  2836. run_in_transaction?
  2837. run_initializers
  2838. run_load_hooks
  2839. run_profile
  2840. run_test
  2841. run_validations!
  2842. run_warmup
  2843. runtime
  2844. safe_concat
  2845. sanitize
  2846. sanitize_conditions
  2847. sanitize_css
  2848. sanitize_dom_id
  2849. sanitize_for_mass_assignment
  2850. sanitize_limit
  2851. sanitize_sql
  2852. sanitize_sql_array
  2853. sanitize_sql_for_assignment
  2854. sanitize_sql_for_conditions
  2855. sanitize_sql_hash
  2856. sanitize_sql_hash_for_assignment
  2857. sanitize_sql_hash_for_conditions
  2858. sanitizeable?
  2859. save
  2860. save!
  2861. save_with_validation
  2862. say
  2863. say_with_time
  2864. schema
  2865. schema_format
  2866. schema_search_path
  2867. scheme
  2868. scope
  2869. scope_action_options
  2870. scope_action_options?
  2871. scope_for_create
  2872. scoped
  2873. scopes
  2874. scoping
  2875. script
  2876. search_field
  2877. search_field_tag
  2878. second
  2879. seconds
  2880. seconds_since_midnight
  2881. seconds_to_utc_offset
  2882. secret_token
  2883. select_all
  2884. select_date
  2885. select_datetime
  2886. select_day
  2887. select_first
  2888. select_hour
  2889. select_minute
  2890. select_month
  2891. select_one
  2892. select_rows
  2893. select_second
  2894. select_tag
  2895. select_time
  2896. select_value
  2897. select_values
  2898. select_year
  2899. selector
  2900. send_action
  2901. send_data
  2902. send_file
  2903. sequence_name
  2904. serializable_hash
  2905. serialize
  2906. serialized_attributes
  2907. server_error?
  2908. server_port
  2909. server_software
  2910. session
  2911. session_id_column
  2912. session_options
  2913. session_store
  2914. set
  2915. set_callback
  2916. set_content_type
  2917. set_default_accessors!
  2918. set_default_backend
  2919. set_environment
  2920. set_fixture_class
  2921. set_inheritance_column
  2922. set_locking_column
  2923. set_logger
  2924. set_prefix
  2925. set_primary_key
  2926. set_sequence_name
  2927. set_standard_conforming_strings
  2928. set_table_name
  2929. set_test_assigns
  2930. setup
  2931. setup_controller_request_and_response
  2932. setup_fixture_accessors
  2933. setup_fixtures
  2934. setup_subscriptions
  2935. setup_with_controller
  2936. shallow
  2937. shallow?
  2938. shallow_scoping?
  2939. show
  2940. show_variable
  2941. silence
  2942. silence!
  2943. silence_stream
  2944. silence_warnings
  2945. silencer
  2946. simple_format
  2947. simple_selector
  2948. since
  2949. singular
  2950. singular_table_name
  2951. singularize
  2952. site
  2953. skip_callback
  2954. skip_default_locale!
  2955. skip_filter
  2956. sortable
  2957. sortable_element
  2958. source_root
  2959. split_args
  2960. sql
  2961. sql_conditions
  2962. sql_query_length
  2963. sqlite_version
  2964. squish
  2965. squish!
  2966. ssl?
  2967. ssl_options
  2968. stale?
  2969. standard_port
  2970. standard_port?
  2971. start_document
  2972. start_element
  2973. start_processing
  2974. stats
  2975. status_message
  2976. step_with_blockless
  2977. sti_name
  2978. string_to_binary
  2979. string_to_date
  2980. string_to_dummy_time
  2981. string_to_time
  2982. stringify_keys
  2983. stringify_keys!
  2984. strip_heredoc
  2985. strip_links
  2986. strip_tags
  2987. structure_dump
  2988. stylesheet_link_tag
  2989. stylesheet_path
  2990. stylesheets
  2991. subclasses
  2992. subdomain
  2993. subdomains
  2994. submit
  2995. submit_tag
  2996. subscribe
  2997. sunday
  2998. superclass_delegating_accessor
  2999. supports_add_column?
  3000. supports_count_distinct?
  3001. supports_ddl_transactions?
  3002. supports_insert_with_returning?
  3003. supports_migrations?
  3004. supports_primary_key?
  3005. supports_savepoints?
  3006. suppress
  3007. suppress_messages
  3008. svn_url?
  3009. swap
  3010. symbolize_keys
  3011. symbolize_keys!
  3012. symbolized_path_parameters
  3013. symbols
  3014. t
  3015. table_alias_for
  3016. table_alias_length
  3017. table_exists?
  3018. table_name
  3019. table_name_length
  3020. table_name_prefix
  3021. table_name_suffix
  3022. table_structure
  3023. tableize
  3024. tables
  3025. tag
  3026. tail!
  3027. teardown
  3028. teardown_fixtures
  3029. teardown_subscriptions
  3030. telephone_field
  3031. telephone_field_tag
  3032. template
  3033. template_exists?
  3034. template_objects
  3035. templates_path
  3036. terabyte
  3037. terabytes
  3038. test_errors_aref
  3039. test_errors_full_messages
  3040. test_homepage
  3041. test_model_naming
  3042. test_persisted?
  3043. test_to_key
  3044. test_to_param
  3045. test_valid?
  3046. tests
  3047. text?
  3048. text_area
  3049. text_area_tag
  3050. text_field
  3051. text_field_tag
  3052. third
  3053. threadsafe!
  3054. tidy_bytes
  3055. time
  3056. time_ago_in_words
  3057. time_select
  3058. time_with_datetime_fallback
  3059. time_zone_options_for_select
  3060. time_zone_select
  3061. timeout
  3062. timestamped_migrations
  3063. timestamps
  3064. titlecase
  3065. titleize
  3066. tmp
  3067. to
  3068. to_d
  3069. to_date
  3070. to_datetime
  3071. to_default_s
  3072. to_format
  3073. to_formatted_s
  3074. to_html
  3075. to_json
  3076. to_key
  3077. to_model
  3078. to_options
  3079. to_options!
  3080. to_param
  3081. to_prepare
  3082. to_prepare_blocks
  3083. to_query
  3084. to_sentence
  3085. to_sql
  3086. to_tag
  3087. to_time
  3088. to_time_in_current_zone
  3089. to_xml
  3090. to_yaml
  3091. today
  3092. today?
  3093. toggle
  3094. toggle!
  3095. token_and_options
  3096. tokenize
  3097. tomorrow
  3098. touch
  3099. transaction
  3100. transaction_include_action?
  3101. transaction_joinable
  3102. transaction_record_state
  3103. translate
  3104. translate_exception
  3105. transliterate
  3106. try
  3107. try_to_load_dependency
  3108. tsort_each_child
  3109. type_cast
  3110. type_cast_code
  3111. type_to_sql
  3112. u_unpack
  3113. uncached
  3114. uncountable
  3115. uncountable?
  3116. undefine_attribute_methods
  3117. underscore
  3118. unescape
  3119. unescape_bytea
  3120. unescape_rjs
  3121. uninstall
  3122. uniq_by
  3123. uniq_by!
  3124. unmemoize_all
  3125. unserializable_attribute?
  3126. unserialize_attribute
  3127. unsubscribe
  3128. until
  3129. update_all
  3130. update_attribute
  3131. update_attributes
  3132. update_attributes!
  3133. update_counters
  3134. update_details
  3135. update_page
  3136. update_page_tag
  3137. update_sql
  3138. updated
  3139. updated_at
  3140. url
  3141. url_field
  3142. url_field_tag
  3143. url_for
  3144. url_options
  3145. us_zones
  3146. use
  3147. use_checkout?
  3148. use_externals?
  3149. use_renderer
  3150. use_renderers
  3151. use_svn?
  3152. use_zone
  3153. user
  3154. user_agent
  3155. user_name_and_password
  3156. uses_transaction
  3157. uses_transaction?
  3158. using_limitable_reflections?
  3159. utc_time
  3160. utc_to_local
  3161. valid?
  3162. valid_alter_table_options
  3163. valid_app_const?
  3164. valid_scope_name?
  3165. validate
  3166. validate_digest_response
  3167. validate_each
  3168. validate_fallbacks
  3169. validate_nonce
  3170. validates
  3171. validates_acceptance_of
  3172. validates_associated
  3173. validates_confirmation_of
  3174. validates_each
  3175. validates_exclusion_of
  3176. validates_format_of
  3177. validates_inclusion_of
  3178. validates_length_of
  3179. validates_numericality_of
  3180. validates_presence_of
  3181. validates_size_of
  3182. validates_uniqueness_of
  3183. validates_with
  3184. validators
  3185. validators_on
  3186. value_before_type_cast
  3187. value_to_boolean
  3188. value_to_decimal
  3189. variable_name
  3190. vendor
  3191. vendor_plugins
  3192. verified_request?
  3193. verify
  3194. verify!
  3195. verify_authenticity_token
  3196. verify_request?
  3197. version
  3198. version_constraint_for_database_gem
  3199. video_path
  3200. video_tag
  3201. view_context
  3202. view_context_class
  3203. view_path
  3204. view_paths
  3205. visible_action?
  3206. visual_effect
  3207. wants?
  3208. warn!
  3209. watch_namespaces
  3210. week
  3211. weeks
  3212. where
  3213. where_values_hash
  3214. with_backend
  3215. with_connection
  3216. with_exclusive_scope
  3217. with_fallbacks
  3218. with_gc_stats
  3219. with_indifferent_access
  3220. with_layout_format
  3221. with_local_cache
  3222. with_options
  3223. with_output_file
  3224. with_routing
  3225. with_scope
  3226. with_scope_level
  3227. with_transaction_returning_status
  3228. with_warnings
  3229. without_modules
  3230. word_wrap
  3231. wrap
  3232. write_attribute
  3233. write_entry
  3234. write_fragment
  3235. xhr
  3236. xhr?
  3237. xml
  3238. xml_column_fallback
  3239. xml_http_request
  3240. xml_http_request?
  3241. xmlschema
  3242. years
  3243. years_ago
  3244. years_since
  3245. yesterday
  3246. zones_map
  3248. #KEYWORD=Symbols
  3249. :
  3251. #KEYWORD=Global Variables
  3252. $
  3254. #KEYWORD=Instance Variables
  3255. @
  3257. #